Want to Help?

The vision behind the book is simple- I'm writing it in full public view.  I want people to see the process and have an opportunity to participate and engage.

You can help out in two ways:

First, comment on the posts!  Give your opinion.  Share your experiences.  Start a conversation with me and the other participants.  It doesn't matter if you're a brand new runner or an experienced ultra vet... your thoughts matter.

Second, invite people to join this community.  If you know of anyone that might be curious or has relevant experiences to share, let them know this project exists.  Spread the word via Facebook, Twitter, ultra and other running forums, email, word of mouth... whatever.  The more voices we get, the better the conversations.  The better the conversations, the better the final outcome.

I'm excited about the prospect of this project!  Thanks for your help!
